Licensure Walkthrough Presentations
BSU’s Licensure Certification Officers will provide two licensure walkthrough webinars this spring. We will walk through the entire application process and answer questions. It is strongly recommended that you attend one session.
- Monday, April 7th at 6pm
- Thursday, April 10th at 6pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 916 2347 3812
BSU’s Licensure Certification Officers provided two licensure walkthrough webinars this fall. Download the presentation here:
License Application Walkthrough Fall 2024
The Minnesota State Legislature recently eliminated the MTLE (Minnesota Teacher Licensing Exams) basic skills, pedagogy, and content exams for Tier 3 or 4 licenses for candidates who successfully complete a Minnesota teacher licensure program.
Successful completion of a BSU teacher licensure program includes:
- Completing all required coursework
- Completing all required field experience
- Passing student teaching (initial licensure candidates only) or practicum (add-on licensure candidates only)
- Including completing the edTPA (initial licensure candidates only)
If you are now eligible for a Minnesota Tier 3 or 4 license, please complete BSU’s Request Licensure Documentation Form.
Getting Started
- If you have completed a licensure program and you are ready to apply for a Tier 2, 3, or 4 teaching license, visit the Application Process page.
- If you are currently enrolled in a licensure program and need an Enrollment Verification or Verification of Meaningful Progress for a Tier 2 license or Out-of-Field Permission, visit the Enrollment Verification page.
- If you need help determining which Tier you qualify for, visit the Tiered Licensure page.
Helpful Links
- PELSB’s Online Application System
- Initial license only
- You still need to mail in some paper pieces
- Use the navigation buttons within the application system (not the browser) – if you accidentally use the browser navigation try clearing your browser’s cookies (it may take an hour before you can log back in)
- If you are inactive for 30 minutes, the system will log you out but you should be able to log back in right away
- PELSB’s Paper Application
- If you already have a license or MN File Folder Number with PELSB
- PELSB’s License Lookup
- Check the status of your license application
Frequently Asked Questions
No. If you are waiting on your degree or a recommendation from BSU, do not apply for your substitute license. PELSB discourages this as it may slow down your Tiered licensure application and you wind up paying two application fees. All initial licenses (Sub or Tier) require your 4-year degree to be posted, fingerprinting, and a background check. PELSB has 30 days to process your application either way. The only difference between a substitute license and a Tier license is the recommendation from BSU.
If you have submitted all required documentation (relevant transcripts and plans of study) and your degree has been posted, the BSU portion takes 1-2 weeks. This varies depending on the time of year. Once you send everything to PELSB, they have 30 days to process your application.
From PELSB: “The statutorily required 30-day processing window for a license does not begin until PELSB has received all application materials and a completed background check. PELSB is asking applicants, school districts, and charter schools to wait at least 30 days before contacting our office for an application status check. PELSB licensing staff will contact applicants with questions or updates about applications when necessary. Waiting to contact PELSB will allow our staff to process licenses in shorter time frames. PELSB appreciates your patience and cooperation as we continue to work on processing license applications as quickly as possible.”
If your degree has been awarded you may apply for a Tier 2 license. The school district will apply jointly with you.
Make sure to get a BSU recommendation on file as soon as possible. This will grandfather you in against future licensure changes.
If you already have a 4-year degree, you do not need to wait for BSU to ‘post your degree’ before applying for your license. However, the Certification Officer will need an approved plan of study on file, signed by your advisor or program director, confirming you’ve completed the coursework and field experience requirements. Also, if you are using courses from other institutions, make sure BSU has those transcripts on file.
- Incomplete licensure application packets – be sure to send everything to PELSB in ONE envelope (sending pieces one at a time causes delays and risks losing pieces).
- Missing an original signature – be sure to sign your application with actual pen ink.
Complete the application with the name you will be during the processing time. If your name changes after your license has been issued, follow PELSB’s instructions: Updating My Name or Contact Information
Please make sure you also complete the BSU Name Change Form.
No, if BSU already recommended you for your current license (provided you with a signed Section 6), you can renew that license without additional documentation from BSU. Please work with your local school district’s continuing education committee to complete Minnesota’s licensure renewal requirements.
If you are adding a field to your existing license, BSU will need to provide you with a recommendation (Section 6) for the additional license.