Application Process

No application fee is needed to apply!

Application Instructions

  1. Review the admission criteria and our instructions below.
  2. Complete and submit the online application.
  3. Have your *official high school, GED and/or college transcripts sent directly from the issuing institution to BSU Admissions.
  4. ACT or SAT scores are not required for admission, nor for merit scholarships. We encourage the submission of test scores if you have them.
  5. You will receive a letter from BSU Admissions regarding the status of your application.

*In order for a transcript to be considered official, it must come to Bemidji State University Admissions directly from the issuing institution. Homeschool transcripts must come directly from a teacher/parent/guardian.

There may be additional admission requirements for your intended major. Upon submission of your application, the system will inform you of any additional requirements needed to complete your admission. Be sure to fulfill these requirements by the posted deadlines.

Apply by Mail

Download and print an application, or contact us at 1-877-BEMIDJI (236-4354) and we’ll mail you an application to complete and return.

Already Applied?

Please log into your application portal with your StarID to review your application status or review what items we are missing. Your application portal is updated live as we process your application materials.

Please note:

  • Some degree programs require transferring a minimum number of college credits. In some cases, you must complete or transfer the core curriculum requirements before you are eligible to start a program. For specific program requirements, please consult the Undergraduate Programs page.
  • Returning BSU students may not need to apply again. Check this resource for more details.
  • Applicants who are actively suspended or who have financial obligations at another institution may not be eligible for regular or special admission.
  • Homeschool transcripts must contain the following information: Students full legal name, school name, homeschool mailing address, student email, student phone, administrator/guardian/parent name, administrator/guardian/parent email, administrator/guardian parent phone, student’s date of birth, student social security number is optional, cumulative grade point average (GPA), GPA scale utilized, and distinction of GPA is weighted or unweighted, specific course titles, credit amounts, and the year completed (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), in-progress coursework, anticipated high school graduate date (month/day/year format), and administrator/guardian/parent name and signature. ACT/SAT scores published on a homeschool transcript will not be accepted.